Barry the builder on the left, Ted the architect on the right, sketching out a detail for the cedar siding. "Detailing" is where the design rubber meets the execution road, and you want your architect and builder to meet, both physically and mentally.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
"As Long As He Keeps Using His Finger, We're Fine"
Barry the builder on the left, Ted the architect on the right, sketching out a detail for the cedar siding. "Detailing" is where the design rubber meets the execution road, and you want your architect and builder to meet, both physically and mentally.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Manger is Ready for Christmas
Well, this is no ordinary roof, it's an Arctic Hot Roof. If you have an attic, you probably have a cold roof design, where the space in the attic is unconditioned and insulated from the living area. In the winter, it's cold in the attic, and therefore the roof itself is cold, preventing snow from melting on the roof and getting water into the house. It's a good system, but it's not perfect (the space has to be vented, which creates opportunities for moisture and critters to get in there, moisture can seep up from the conditioned space, the moisture can turn to frost in really cold climates, and so on.)
Friday, November 16, 2007
It almost looks like something

Ted, my esteemed architect, took these shots after Barry, my esteemed builder, put up the roof joists, apparently in high winds. No one was hurt, and they look terrific. They're glulams from Rosboro--not much more expensive than dimensional lumber, straighter, and so good-looking they don't need staining (but they'll be sealed, of course).
By now Barry's trimmed the joists, and might even be laying the roof. The interior side will be maple plywood panels between the joists, the exterior will be galvalume (galvanized aluminum).
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Stairway to Work
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"It'll pass inspection, but they won't insure it"
Not so simple, apparently. The building inspector said that it's probably OK vis a vis the building code, but no insurance company will cover it. In the winter, that slope will turn into a nice little toboggan run, without the toboggan.
Back to the concrete step ramp it is...
The West facade will be a curtain wall of sorts (more like a "window wall", but that's a painful story told in the bar), and it's going to need some support. Hence the steel frame, which will also hold up one end of the large shed roof.
We're still waiting for the shop drawings from the window manufacturer, so I'm concerned that, without the windows, the roof will go on and create a big wind bucket. The other question is: what color should the mullions be? We're leaning heavily toward black, since anodized aluminum isn't within the vendor's capabilities. What color would you suggest?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I Have Wood

Saturday, September 15, 2007
New Decision
Glimpse of True Potential
Saturday, September 01, 2007
OK, that's high enough.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thanks for your input. We're going in a different direction.
So, we're moving to the more conventional, safer one-step-short-of-cliché cedar, but not the cedar shakes you're familiar with. This will be what some people call "channel siding", where the boards are long and thin, and not beveled, but are ship-lapped and offset so that there's a narrow (half inch?) channel in between boards. Probably horizontal.
To keep this from becoming rustic (shudder), we'll use select, no-knot cedar and galvanized aluminum trim elements to make sure it's really clean. Everybody, including Barry the Builder (Bob wasn't available), seems to be happier and somewhat relieved. I'll budget for periodic maintenance.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Higher. No, *Higher*.
It's gettin' up there. Above is the view from the Southeast. The grey box to the right is the basement for the guest wing. The wood forms in the foreground are for the master bedroom's basement and the taller forms to the left are for the high wall sections on the South and North sides that will support the shed roof.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Going Vertical
Above is a panoramic photo taken 2 days after the pour, comprised of 5-6 regular shots, so don't be thrown by the bowed walls that are artifacts of the stitching-together process. There were some glitches with the aggregate hanging up and creating some voids, which is an issue with the above-ground parts and particularly those on the inside, so we'll have to come up with a touch-up approach that looks authentic and not "appliqué" – my architect's personal bête noir.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Taking Shape
Thursday, July 26, 2007
*That* Goes into the Sales Brochure
Monday, July 23, 2007
So we're going to break up the gray concrete walls with siding, gray siding. Darker than the concrete--pretty much a charcoal gray.
I'm toying with more of a barn red, which has caused long conversations with my architect. He's not 100% against it, mind you, but also isn't sure it makes sense. During the discussion, he pulled out a photo of a Steven Holl (one of the reigning starchitects) building that's all red (bright red). He terms this choice "intentional", which on reflection hurts a little--so my choice is random?
So, time for more input: charcoal gray or barn red. Remember, this siding lasts for 40 years.
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Many contractors; I feel important.
The out-of-place Bimmer is mine, but will someday feel at home with the kitchen guy's Mercedes wagon (hmmm).
Barry, the general contractor, invited the key trades to meet with me and the architect, and with each other. The concrete guy won the show-and-tell award with a four-foot square sample of the T-Mass wall construction, with the Pella windows guy coming in a close second with donuts.
Kidding aside, having this kind of a kick-off meeting was a terrific idea. We caught all kinds of minor inconsistencies and omissions, and might have saved a couple bucks of rework and change orders in the process. Everyone now has a face to associate with a name, and for those that stuck around, I bought lunch at the local restaurant and cheese emporium.
I have a big hole

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Modern Expectations in a Traditional World
For some things, where you can say "I want the Kohler faucet #12345 in Satin Nickel", you're done.
Try doing this with concrete. For this house, much of the exterior wall is unfinished concrete, as mentioned previously. Concrete is a wonderful material, but it's not like picking out a faucet. How do you agree on what "light, warm gray, but no brown or beige tones, natural-looking, without too many defects" looks like?
You can't.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Program
"Programming" isn't what you think; in architecture-land, they talk about "the program" instead of "requirements" or "the brief".
In a nutshell, the program for this project is:
- Create a getaway house that is as different from the client's (hey, that's me!) vintage condo (in Chicago) as possible. This means modern, airy, secluded, no brick, lots of glass.
- Organize the structure so that friends can visit, socialize and then, when they're tired of socializing, go somewhere private.
- Give the owner (me) the same option, and isolate my private space so that people can visit and not intrude on my private space.
- Give me a place to work, but again, isolate it from the public spaces so that it's out of the way when entertaining or relaxing.
- Get lots of light, but avoid being hot. The architect loved that one...
Concrete Momentum, and Panic
This project ("Chartier Hermitage") has been in the works for a couple years now, and almost got built last Fall, but it lost steam when we couldn't resolve some key issues. The biggest decision was how to build and insulate the concrete walls. Concrete has essentially no insulating value of its own (although it acts as a thermal mass, like a stucco wall), and there a few ways to keep out the cold:
- Conventional insulation on the inside--frame a wall against the inside concrete surface and fill the openings with your favorite insulation material.
- Insulated concrete forms--the concrete is poured between forms made of a rigid Styrofoam sandwich. Called "ICFs" in the trade.
- The "Thermomass" approach--another sandwich, but the reverse of ICFs. Concrete makes up the bread, and Styrofoam insulation is the filling. The two concrete walls are held together by plastic ties that don't conduct heat.
You guessed it, we're going for the third approach. This means that there can be a bare concrete wall on both the inside and outside, so the structural material is also the finished surface. ICFs force you to add another couple of layers to the wall on both sides, This has a lot of appeal for modernists, and, given that I'm paying a ton of money for this T-Mass approach, you're gonna see every inch of that concrete.
It also creates its own set of concerns:
- Not many foundation contractors have experience with this technology.
- It's a proprietary technology, so there's no price or product competition
- It's therefore not cheap. How much "not cheap" is difficult to say, because of #1, not many people do this. We couldn't get a true apples-to-apples comparison to the conventional approach because we couldn't find two T-mass foundation guys. So, while this project is in southern Wisconsin, our concrete guy is coming from Minnesota.
- The finish of a concrete wall is somewhat of a crapshoot. You can clean the forms so they shine, use the right release agent, spec the concrete recipe precisely and use fancy admixtures, but there's no guarantee that it'll come out the way you wanted.
Hence the panic. We start pouring in 10 days; until then, I'll be dreaming about concrete...