Monday, May 16, 2011


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

With apologies to Mr. Wyeth

Renzo the puppy is enjoying a day trip to the Hermitage, especially after meeting his new favorite toy, a frozen chipmunk.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


With this attractive handrail, we're now up to code on the stairway to the loft, thanks to another fine fabrication job from Davis Welding.

Another finish detail

No, it's not a great photo -- you, uh, had to be there, but it's gratifying to finally see the outside step-ramp lights working and the beautiful interior staircase all lit up, just like Ted the Architect drew it up so long ago.

Monday, February 07, 2011


The translucent panel is now lit — beautifully. Very, very, very nice.
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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Stairway of Coolness

JR and Chris installed the stairway treads, which look terrific. Another near-final piece of the puzzle.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Just Like Downtown

It's not quite finished, but it sure looks purty — JR and Chris just put up the stair wall (Chris's ass included for scale), it looks as good as it did in Ted the Architect's head when he designed it. One more partial panel will go up on the left, but it's clear this idea is going to pan out. I guess I'll pay the bill.

A lot of toil and trouble went into this critical puzzle piece, and I'd like to thank Jerry from Davis Welding for sticking with the program.

Just like downtown.