Sunday, June 28, 2009


"Buggs" (because he's got really long bug's legs, I'm told) applying the American Clay plaster finish to a wall in — I think — my bedroom.

The advantages of this product are several:
  • Aesthetic -- it gives the walls more depth and earthiness than paint would
  • Environmental -- natural, no VOCs
  • Comfort -- soaks up humidity (it doesn't "set) and releases it over time.

Permanent Stairway to Work

The temporary staircase to the loft/office is now gone (there's a story there you'll have to ask me about), replaced by the permanent and very cool steel staircase fabricated by the fine local Monroe, WI craftsmen at — er, I forget. I'm sure someone will remind me.

The treads are made from leftover ceiling joist remnants. Like everything else in the house, it's "stout."